Recognizing love can vary from person to person and from relationship to relationship because love manifests differently for different people. However, some common signs that someone loves you may include:
1. **Attention and Care**: They pay attention to you and genuinely care about your well-being. They remember details about you and show interest in your thoughts, feelings, and activities.
2. **Support**: They are there for you when you need them, offering support, encouragement, and understanding during both good times and bad.
3. **Respect**: They respect your boundaries, opinions, and individuality. They value your thoughts and feelings and treat you with kindness and consideration.
4. **Communication**: They communicate openly and honestly with you, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. They listen to you attentively and try to understand your perspective.
5. **Affection**: They express their affection for you through words, gestures, and actions. This could include saying "I love you," showing physical affection, or doing thoughtful things to make you happy.
6. **Commitment**: They are committed to the relationship and invest time and effort into making it work. They prioritize your relationship and are willing to work through challenges together.
7. **Shared Experiences**: They enjoy spending time with you and sharing experiences together. They include you in their life and make an effort to create meaningful memories with you.
8. **Empathy and Compassion**: They empathize with your emotions and try to understand things from your perspective. They show compassion and offer support during difficult times.
It's important to remember that love is complex and multifaceted, and these signs may not always be present in the same way for everyone. Ultimately, trusting your instincts and having open, honest communication with your partner can help clarify their feelings towards you.